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The passion and drive of Jo Browne and the consistent high quality of the ingredients are at the core of each product. All products are travel friendly and approved to fly with. The products have all been safety assessed by chartered chemists. All products will be registered on the cosmetic products notification portal (CPNP), where all ingredients are up to date with the EU legislation for high quality ingredients. Each product has been developed personally, with love and care by Joanne Browne.
100% Eco- Friendly Bamboo Facecloth
Because it is also made from one of the best fibers, currently available. Bamboo is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, hypoallergenic, odor resistant and so much more. Bamboo grows like a weed naturally, and requires no pesticides to keep it healthy. When harvested for use, the roots remain, and the plant regenerates quickly. All of this combines to produce one highly effective and Eco-friendly Facecloth cloth that offers relative superiority to most other alternatives.